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Protests in Madrid Cause Controversy

20 May 2011 No Comment

Protestors in Madrid.

“Spain’s economic problems are down to depending on European subsidies for too long,” says a leading Spanish journalist.

Synchronicity Magazine spoke to London-based correspondent for Catalyuna Radio, Oriol Serra, about the crisis: “Money is gone now and Spain has turned from beneficiary into payer.” He added that a lack of planning was also at fault, with the construction of unnecessary properties along the coast leaving “high unemployment and a completely frustrated generation walking in anger.”

“It has taken at least two years for the Spanish Prime Minister to recognise that there is a real crisis. He even denied the Spanish deficit when the European Commission was confirming the worst estimations for the Spanish economy”, Mr Serra added.

He was speaking in the wake of  demonstrations in Madrid this week demanding changes to the political system, despite a ban on pre-election protests. Mr Serra said of these protests: “I agree about the banks and their profits while they’re responsible for the crisis.” However he feels a better solution would be to: “Deal much better with our own problems and keep on making solidarity acts with our neighbours when necessary”.

A large part of Spain’s problems are a result of too many properties and thousands going unsold. He said:  “Why are people so obstinate about having a property?” Adding: “It only makes them slaves of the banks because of the mortgages. Why don’t we all fight for the right of having a proper home for everyone? Reasonable renting prices should be mandatory in Europe.”

Protests are set to spread to Berlin on Friday evening. Using social networking sites such as Twitter with the trending topic #spanishrevolution, young people have organised to continue demonstrating, coining the phrase: “We live in a country where you’re allowed to camp for Justin Bieber tickets but not to defend your rights.”

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