Articles in the Health Issue Category
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Ben Goldacre, medical doctor and Guardian journalist is the father of Bad Science a collection of books, hundreds of articles and videos with one goal: challenging myths, rumours and shady businesses in the medical world.
Goldacre’s work is rife with aggression and challenges against other “experts”, with his book Bad Science getting new chapters both in print and online as lawsuits against him finish, something his newest book Bad Pharma will undoubtedly also feature.
The cases he debunks and attacks generally fall into two categories. People who prey on the ignorance, spirituality …
Features, Health Issue »
Ruggero Galtarossa is from a small city in Northern Italy called Padova. He is 22 years old he has been living in London for two and a half years. He is in his third year studying journalism and sociology for a BA joint honours degree.
The Italians have an exceptionally high average life expectancy – above 74 years for men and 80 years for women. We talked about a special village in the North called Stoccareddo whose inhabitants do not suffer from heart disease or diabetes and live into their 90s …
Health Issue »
Moorfields Eye Hospital shows the world’s only collection of art for the blind. The unique exhibition consists of more than 20 pieces that appeal to the tactile sense and makes a bold statement that sight is not essential for enjoying art.
The artists used different materials but also vivid colours to make the art works appeal to all senses. One painting shows woman in a black gown but upon touching it also reveals the velvet texture of the garment. Another painting appeals with vivid with colour to the sense of sight …