Articles tagged with: Dump Trump
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Polarisation in America: Neighbours in suburbia with opposed political views.
U.S. journalist, Danielle Maisano, who has been living in London for 11 years, shares her views on the build-up that led to the fallout of Trump winning his second term.
The last time I voted in a U.S. presidential election on U.S. soil was in 2008. It was also the last time I felt truly inspired by a Democratic nominee. I came politically of age during the George W. Bush period. After years of watching war criminals, Bush and his VP, Dick …
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Post truth Trump who is vying to get a second term as president of America in 2025.
“Cat-eating Haitians” – the most recent buzzworthy but baseless claim amplified by the Trump campaign, sparked hyper-salivation amongst MAGA fans, and disbelief in the rest of us. While researching this latest xenophobic rumour, a Springfield, Ohio police report revealed how easily Trump’s post-truth world can be debunked.
In 2016, the same year Trump successfully campaigned to become the 45th POTUS, the Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year was “post-truth” and is defined as: “relating to or …