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[ 18 Nov 2012 | No Comment ]
Rust & Bone Film Review

Two years after his hard-hitting crime drama A Prophet, Jacques Audiard is back with a moving love story that unites against all odds a recent amputee and an underground street fighter.
It starts off like an American road-movie: Ali (Matthias Schoenaerts), a hefty Belgian bloke and his five-year-old son are standing by the side of the highway, hitchhiking their way down to the South of France. Broke and homeless, father and son settle at the sister’s modest house in Antibes.
Ali’s boxing skills gets him a job as a bouncer in a …

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[ 14 Sep 2012 | No Comment ]

Amy Hanson, director of the organisation Big Steps talks about her new documentary about the street children in Nicaragua.

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[ 12 Aug 2012 | No Comment ]

Before instruments there was nature, and Ebe Oke is an artist who lets certain elements of this world resound through his music.
It was this unique sound and his voice that caught the attention of Geoff Travis, the founder of Rough Trade Records, who offered the US musician a development deal. Travis introduced Oke to the guitarist Phil Manzenera of Roxy Music, who he then collaborated and recorded music with. Recently, Oke has been picked for the line-up at Brian Eno’s Punkt festival in Kristiansand, Norway in September.
I met Ebe Oke for an …

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[ 8 Mar 2012 | No Comment ]

It was a busy leap year for Mr François Hollande, the frontrunner in the French presidential elections. For someone who incarnates the 35-hour working week in France he was exceptionally busy. For breakfast he appeared on French radio station RTL being interviewed by well-known journalists such as Jean-Michel Apathie, Alain Duhamel and Yves Calvi as well as the average Frenchman calling in and asking questions. Only a few years ago Hollande described himself as the average Frenchman and rightly so, many of his opponents criticised him for not having done …

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[ 10 Feb 2012 | No Comment ]
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

In January 2012, a small organisation called Allt åt Alla (Everything for Everyone), organised an event to highlight the issues surrounding inequalities in Sweden. It did this by organising what they called an “upperclass safari” and for 50kr (£4.70) members could go on a bus-ride to a wealthy suburb called Solsidan. It was advertised as a chance to see how the upperclass lived and to meet “some of Sweden’s richest exploiters”. The aim of the bus ride was to “grow your class hate”. They were also told by Anna Svensson, …

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[ 31 May 2011 | No Comment ]

Campaigners that gathered outside the annual meeting of security company G4S last Thursday, called upon the organisation to be held accountable for the death of an Angolan refugee in their custody last year.
46-year-old Jimmy Mubenga died in hospital shortly after he was restrained by three G4S guards on board of a British Airways flight to Angola in October last year. G4S was then employed by the Home Office to escort illegal immigrants on aeroplanes to their home countries.
“Our aim today is to draw attention to some of G4S’ activities on the occasion …