Features, Planet Issue »
The UK is one of the richest countries in the world, but there are still massive issues of food waste and poverty. According to FoodCycle an estimated four million people are affected by food poverty in the UK.
Inspired by an American campus kitchen project, Foodcycle is a charity tackles food waste, and food poverty in the UK.This is done through using spare kitchen space, and volunteers. They create meals reclaiming surplus foods donated by food retailers. Those that volunteer are provided with opportunities to learn new skills, when working at FoodCycle’s …
Alternative Issue, Art[icle]s »
Illegal street art has been plastered on the walls of London’s East End for many years. The formerly known working class district is slowly transforming into a street art Mecca.
You only have to take a turn into a side street along Old Street to find a piece from the movement. That’s where Alternative London Founder Gary Means has set up shop. Or stop.
His white graffiti covered Alternative London double-decker bus is parked in a lock on Rivington Street, EC2.
Alternative London provides street art tours, bike tours and workshops led by …
Alternative Issue, Features »
Two Americans have launched a project that uses public art to share recipes, which are painted across walls in South East London.
Gourmandizing London is an artwork and community project that aims to celebrate the diversity of people, through a series of recipes collected for residents living in the nearby communities.
Jason Page, one of the founders explained Gourmandizing, he said: “Gourmandizing London is a series of murals that are visual and artistic representations of recipes that we collect from people, kitchens and restaurants of the neighbourhoods of South East London. We …
Censorship Issue, Features »
Reporters Without Borders stated that a journalist from Radio Liberté and two journalists from Kisangani News were released from prison in the last few weeks.Their crimes were that they asked too many questions about the government… But at least they are still alive.
According to Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) between 1993 to 1998 four journalists were reported killed in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Between 2005 and 2011 that figure was eight. To add to these atrocities, during the 2011 presidential elections a private television station, which favoured the opposition opponent …