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[ 5 Mar 2013 | 4 Comments ]

Flat Earth believers have been around since biblical times and even photos of Earth taken from space have not deterred them.
Michael N Wilmore, 27, was born in London and moved to Ireland in his teens. He is the vice president of the Flat Earth Society, which he joined in 2006. Wilmore first went into the society as a devil’s advocate, but after about four or five months he was a convert. He said: “I believed in a round Earth theory, I went to school and learnt the same things as …

Features, Planet Issue »

[ 5 Mar 2013 | No Comment ]

London smog.

In 1952 an estimated 4,000 people died as a result of severe air pollution in London. Today the same number are estimated to die early each year because of poor air quality in the Capital.
Dr Benjamin Barratt, of the Environmental Research Group at King’s College London, measures air quality across the city. He says in some respects London is quite clean, but in others the city could be considered the worst in Europe.

Features, Planet Issue »

[ 5 Mar 2013 | No Comment ]

The UK is one of the richest countries in the world, but there are still massive issues of food waste and poverty. According to FoodCycle an estimated four million people are affected by food poverty in the UK.
Inspired by an American campus kitchen project, Foodcycle is a charity tackles food waste, and food poverty in the UK.This is done through using spare kitchen space, and volunteers. They create meals reclaiming surplus foods donated by food retailers. Those that volunteer are provided with opportunities to learn new skills, when working at FoodCycle’s …

Features, Planet Issue »

[ 5 Mar 2013 | No Comment ]

Cycle hire scheme in London “Boris Bikes”.

Cycling is a great way to exercise and a form of travel environmentalists will always favour. To them, the more who choose to cycle rather than travel using vehicles that emit harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the better.

Last week Green party member Jenny Jones, presented a motion to the London assembly asking them to allocate an extra £41 million to the cycling budget.
This extra £41 million would be used to give cyclists more facilities, increasing Transport for London’s (TfL) spending 2 percent for …

Planet Issue »

[ 5 Mar 2013 | No Comment ]

Catrine Gangstø leading a Peacepainting workshop.

Peacepainting is an organisation that exists to remind the adult world what it means to think like a child. Using the same format, same frames and same canvas’s children across the world are taking part in painting workshops to express themselves.

“Children think what they say from their heart may be able help someone. Children and youth want to give to others,” said Peacepainting’s founder Catrine Gangstø.
Paintings from the project have been exhibited all across the world in schools, airport, underground, shops and places where political …

Planet Issue »

[ 5 Mar 2013 | No Comment ]

In 2010 plans for a third runway at Heathrow airport was dropped by the new coalition government. Now, in response to other European countries’ growing aviation capacity, the issue has resurfaced.
The Howard Davies aviation commission will spend 2013 determining the future need for expansions and deliver their report to the government in 2015. Many of the main stakeholders in the situation such as the former BAA have put pressure on the government to speed up this review.
But no matter the decision, activist groups such as Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth …