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[ 10 Dec 2015 | 2 Comments ]

Even though some Eurosceptic parties in Europe have seen an ebb within support from voters recently, the changing political landscape could mean that their political presence and influence within the union might be irreversible.
The 2008 recession formed a catalyst for Eurosceptic parties across the political spectrum on the continent. Support rose due to a number of factors such as the conditions of imposed austerity and dissatisfaction with the establishment ruling parties and their policies.
Yet currently some eurosceptic parties’ support is on the decline. Marine Le Pen’s far-right party, Front National …

Europe Issue, Features »

[ 20 May 2011 | No Comment ]

Finland’s growing nationalist party, the True Finns, have been put in the spotlight by their bid to block the European Union’s €78bn bailout of Portugal. While they were unsuccessful in stopping their country from backing the rescue package, they did succeed in grabbing the headlines all around Europe, many of which were concerned about their far right policies.
The ‘True Finns’ charismatic leader, Timo Soini, is broadly against Europe and seems opposed to immigration. Their manifesto at the last election carried a broadly anti-immigration tone, saying that “basic Finnish immigration policy …