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Red Rose-tinted Glasses in our Leftist Island of London Engulfed by a Sea of Blue or the Longest Suicide Blog Post in History?

30 August 2015 No Comment


UK election map 2015: Labour Party, red, almost entirely engulfed by the, blue, Conservative Party.

Putting personal political perspectives aside, I hate to say that I was right in my prediction that Ed Milliband would not win the last election. But his influence certainly left his mark on the party with the rise of Jeremy Corbyn’s supporters, yet I still feel that it is not enough to resurrect Old Labour policies. The electoral map of 2015, pictured to the left, proves the point that we do live with rose-tinted glasses in our leftist island of London engulfed by a sea of blue.

Jeremy Corbyn is a welcome breath of fresh air in a country being torn apart by austerity, greed and lack of empathy for hard working people of all backgrounds regardless of sexual orientation, colour and creed. Yet do we just have to accept that those of us lefties live in an exceptionally conservative country that will require more backbreaking work to achieve a better sense of equality in these isles?

I mean one only has to look at the history of the Labour Party. The ideals of social democracy seem to only take hold in this country in extreme situations such as a world war like with Clement Attlee’s government, who won with a majority government in 1945 after the extreme aftermath of WW2 and the public’s, by this stage even, boredom with the war leader Churchill. Or when Blair repackaged the party as New Labour, with his Third Way politics, and sold Labour down the toilet to, the right wing Thacherite/Reaganite,  Murdoch and his publication, scarily with the highest circulation in the country, the sensationalist Sun tabloid which backed the party leader and resulted in him winning three elections in a row!

Yet most imagined that the recession of 2008 and its continuity would be enough of a reason for Milliband’s Labour leadership to win the election with its anti-austerity mission but perhaps the damage has already been done by New Labour’s brainwashing?

I hope that we can have a real left opposition in this country. And yet the question remains how bad do things have to go, how irreversible do policies have to become before the penny drops for the rest of the country – before these supporters realise, once again, that the Tories are an elitist party. And that the only way that most of them could partake in the spoils would be if they were servants waiting on hand and foot at a banquet with their party leaders and lucky enough to fight over the scraps that have mistakenly dropped underneath the table.


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